Soc.Culture.Jewish Newsgroups
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Question 3.43:
What Other Codes of Jewish Law Are Used by Non-Orthodox Jewish Movements?


Conservative Judaism

The current guide to Jewish Law as understood by the Conservative movement was written by Rabbi Isaac Klein in the 1970s. His "Guide to Jewish Law" is a comprehensive guide book to the Conservative understanding of Jewish law based upon the previous law codes, including the Mishneh Torah, The Tur, The Shulkhan Arukh, and the Mishneh Berurah. The book also includes the decisions of the Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly and the Committee on Jewish Laws and Standards. The goal of Rabbi Klein's work was to reflect the collective understanding of Halakha by the Conservative movement.


Although not a formal guide to Jewish Law, the Central Conference of American Rabbis has published "Gates of Mitzvah" and "Gates of the Seasons" as guidance on mitzvot that are critical to the life of a Reform Jew. More information may be found in the Reform Reading List.

The FAQ is a collection of documents that is an attempt to answer questions that are continually asked on the soc.culture.jewish family of newsgroups. It was written by cooperating laypeople from the various Judaic movements. You should not make any assumption as to accuracy and/or authoritativeness of the answers provided herein. In all cases, it is always best to consult a competent authority--your local rabbi is a good place to start.

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