Soc.Culture.Jewish Newsgroups
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

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Question 1.9:
What topics are appropriate for S.C.J?


Now, our discussion turns specifically to appropriate content for the unmoderated newsgroup soc.culture.jewish, although these comments in general can provide good advice for other Jewish newsgroups.

Soc.culture.jewish is for discussions concerning Judaism and the surrounding culture (Yiddishkeit, Hebrew, Jewish motherhood, etc.). This includes discussions regarding the various recognized movements within Judaism, debates over halacha, Torah interpretations, etc.

"Divrey Torah" - long or short sermons relating to Judaism and Torah, are especially welcome.

Survey questions are also appropriate, such as "How does your community organize its free loan societies and scholarships for poor Jews who want a Jewish education?"

Discussions about aliyah and Zionism are appropriate, but only if they remain in a Jewish context. If you want to talk about the more political or secular aspects of these subjects, it is more appropriate to use soc.culture.israel.

Factual discussions of the holocaust (shoah) are allowed in S.C.J; however, those wishing to discuss that issue might want to explore instead the newsgroup soc.culture.jewish.holocaust. S.C.J.H is a moderated newsgroup that serves as a storagehouse for all kinds of information from various sources on the Holocaust in Europe that occurred between 1942-1945 (along with the events leading up to it that happened in the early 30's). The newsgroup includes Holocaust materials from both personal testimonies of survivors and their families and "hard" facts from historians and observers. It is moderated to prevent any anti-Semitic or race-baiting comments from Neo-Nazis or self-proclaimed "academic" Holocaust deniers or revisionists, and is not be a forum for discussing whether or not the Shoah happened; instead, S.C.J.H is a place for intelligent and factual discussion of the Shoah. For those Usenet readers who wish to debate the existence of the Holocaust, they are encouraged to read the groups alt.revisionists and soc.history.

The FAQ is a collection of documents that is an attempt to answer questions that are continually asked on the soc.culture.jewish family of newsgroups. It was written by cooperating laypeople from the various Judaic movements. You should not make any assumption as to accuracy and/or authoritativeness of the answers provided herein. In all cases, it is always best to consult a competent authority--your local rabbi is a good place to start.

[Got Questions?]Hopefully, the FAQ will provide the answer to your questions. If it doesn't, please drop Email to The FAQ maintainer will endeavor to direct your query to an appropriate individual that can answer it. If you would like to be part of the group to which the maintainer directs questions, please drop a note to the FAQ maintainer at

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